Mid-West Family Springfield IL Blog

 5 Reasons to Try Recruitment Marketing for Talent Acquisition

Written by Rob Zavitka | May 3, 2023 4:32:00 PM

According to research gathered for a LinkedIn Talent Solutions report, "55% of recruiting leaders worldwide have a proactive employer brand strategy."  

The right recruitment marketing tactics can pack a punch. 59% of employers that use recruitment marketing see a big upswing in their hiring capabilities; additionally, the same source reports, organizations can decrease the cost per hire by 45%.  

These statistics paint a big picture of how the right recruitment marketing approach can help you see better hiring results while simultaneously saving you money. Take a closer look at these five big reasons why you should shake up your talent acquisition approach by trying recruitment marketing tactics. 

1. Take a Targeted Approach for Recruitment

Consider the responsibilities and requirements for an open role in your organization. Not everyone in the job market can fulfill those specifications, and recruitment cycles are all about filtering out those who don't.  

However, recruitment marketing targeting should go even deeper: Who is a good fit for your company culture and values? Through recruitment marketing efforts, you can tailor and target your content to the "employee personas" you're looking for with precise messaging and outreach that reflect and target those characteristics. This generates a host of benefits, including: 

  • Fewer applications to manually filter through 
  • Applicants who have self-selected themselves for your company based on a better understanding of the position 
  • A lower time and resource cost for selecting a final candidate 

How can you access these benefits? First, you need to develop a clear company mission and determine your core company values. From there, you can create content that reflects those details. Over time, you'll gather enough data about successful candidates and new hires so you can tailor your messaging to the candidates who historically thrive in your organization. 

2. Increase Your Visibility Among Job Seekers


Taking a targeted approach may seem like it limits your visibility—but it's the opposite. Instead of trying to appeal to a vast market of professionals, you create more nuanced, meaningful, and memorable content for the job seekers you actually want. This, in turn, strengthens your employer brand and makes your company more recognizable.  

Recruitment marketing makes you stand out to the crowd for prospective candidates who align with your values, company mission, and talent needs. It's just like marketing to consumers—your product isn't for everyone, and trying to generate mass market appeal leads to generic content and low conversions. 

3. Improve the Recruitment Experience for Your Applicants

Traditionally, the recruitment experience is a poor one for applicants. Many candidates apply to organizations they don't know much about simply because there isn't a lot of information available. The right recruitment marketing strategy improves the candidate experience by: 

  • Providing helpful information about your organization from the start 
  • Making your company’s culture visible to candidates 
  • Increasing engagement throughout the process by frequently providing new information and interesting content 

4. Save Money

The recruitment cycle incurs a lot of costs, including recruitment staff or services, ads and job postings, time spent interviewing and onboarding, and more. The goal isn't to get rid of those line items—it's streamlining the process and decreasing inefficiencies. Recruitment marketing tactics can do precisely that by: 

  • Getting more qualified applicants with fewer applications to sift through 
  • Building organic interest through advertising 
  • Creating a network of professionals that refer people to your organization 
  • Developing a long-term pipeline of qualified candidates for faster turnaround when you have a job opening 
  • Leveraging social media platforms to engage with audiences as an employer, not just a consumer-side producer

5. Reap the Long-Term Benefits of Recruitment Marketing Tactics

Recruitment marketing tactics can have immediate benefits, especially if you need to quickly find a right-fit new hire. But these tactics can also bring a lot of long-term benefits to the table, including: 

  • Building a strong employer brand: This cultivates a positive impression of your company, both in your industry and for consumers who care about the employee experience. 
  • Engaging with candidates consistently: Consistent engagement, even when you're not actively hiring, helps you build connections with qualified professionals in your industry. Not only does this bolster your employer reputation, but it means you can more quickly find vetted and referred candidates in the future. 
  • Position yourself as an in-demand employer: This enables you to be more selective about candidates and new hires over time. 

Don't Know Where to Start with Your Recruitment Marketing Strategy? Talk to Mid-West Family Springfield, IL 

Taking the first step in developing a recruitment marketing plan can be overwhelming.  When you want clear answers and a personalized plan, reach out to Mid-West Family Springfield IL. Our team of recruitment marketing experts can help you build a strategy for immediate and long-term benefits.